Monday, February 28, 2011

our life in the past 9 months

well i haven't posted in a while and quite a bit has happened since. Lets see Jaxton turned one in August we had a fun birthday party for him he got a little red wagon from his grandpa Steve and a bunch of fun toys that he still loves to play with some of them helped him start walking and now he is running and oh how sometimes i miss the days when he just laid and cuddled with us. He now says some words like "hi there kitty" he says mama and daddy hi bye and we are teaching him more words he also goes "huh?" he is a fun and silly little boy. On Halloween Jaxton dressed up as woody from toy story and he was so cute! :) we went to the mall trick or treating and it was crazy there then we went to the ward trunk or treat and then home for bed it was a fun and exhausting day. On thanksgiving we decided to cook dinner at both my moms and our house which worked out good because we lived right next door. in the midst of getting ready and cooking things we lost track of what Jaxton was playing with so he started playing in the garbage can were he grabbed an open can and sliced his finger open so it was off to the emergency room for us right as dinner finished cooking after two hours of blood screaming and crying we went home with Jaxton having 5 stitches in his finger and his whole hand wrapped up so he couldn't rip them out. we got home ate our thanksgiving dinner and took a nap so we could go shopping for black Friday at Walmart at midnight. That will be the first and last time i ever do that people get so crazy i don't understand why they do it every year then it was off to bed after a very eventful day. For Christmas we started off at home went to grandpa Steve"s house were we had breakfast watched old Christmas cartoons Jason got and got to talk to Justin for a few minutes then we went to grandma Joann's house where we opened presents and talked for a bit. After that we headed to grandma Janet's house where we had dinner and spent the rest of the night playing wii that i got Jason for Christmas :). We had a great Christmas Jason got me a necklace from Kay Jewelers the open heart collection i wear it almost everyday :). New years wasn't too exciting Jason worked until midnight and i had to work early the next morning so we didn't really celebrate it but thats OK. On January 22, 2011 Jason and i were sealed together and to Jaxton in the temple it was such a great experience and my life has been so much happier since. We had Emilee Bundy take some pictures for us and she let me borrow the beautiful wedding dress that i wore they are some amazing pictures we are going to keep her as our photographer :D. We had a luncheon were my mom and sisters made spaghetti and everybody loved it! It was great to have our family and friends there to celebrate such and amazing day with us! We then hit our two year wedding anniversary the next day January 23 we went to church and spent the day together and had a great day. Now that brings us to now we are trying for another baby not sure if i am pregnant or not yet i am hoping for a little girl. Jason just got over having bronchitis which was not fun and Jaxton is now getting better from whatever he has we were lucky to take him to the Dr when we did or it would've turned into pneumonia and now we are just working and got a new car last week it is a Toyota Prius Hybrid that gets such good gas mileage we got it at the right time :) and that is it for now i will add pictures to go along with my very exciting story :)